
Showing posts from March, 2019

Contemporary Art Concepts

Part 1: Collaboration-  When multiple parties come together to create or achieve a common goal. Without multiple participants, the final product would not be the same. Each person contributes in a significant way. Collaboration is an experience that leads to a product that would not be the same without the element of collaboration. After reading the list of terms in the glossary, I started to think about how central collaboration is not only in the art world, but also in education. So much of what we are asking students to do is collaborate. What does it mean to collaborate? After thinking critically, I realized that collaborating means much more than just working together to solve a problem or to create something new. Collaboration is a process of creating something that would not be possible without the exact people and circumstances involved. While reading the Gude article, "Principles of Possibility: Considerations for a 21st-Century Art & Culture Curriculum",  I ...

Public Pedagogy of Everyday Objects

My home is my nest. It is a space I have carefully constructed to feel secure, to feel protected. Each pillow, lamp, and chair carefully selected to create comfort. The colors and scents reflective of the image I present to the world. My nest is my space, when I enter it I feel a return to the familiar. The familiar is one in which I have constructed. After viewing  PepĆ³n Osorio’s sculptures, I made a connection between the art in which he has intentionally and purposefully created and the narrative constructed often unintentionally in one's home. In contrast, Do Ho Suh brings forward the theme of home being a relative concept. Something not necessarily physically, but more of a spirit or embodiment of home that can be fluid or transfered. I connected with this as my home or feeling of home is often just a reflection of my sense of self. My sense of self can be transported to the cafe in which I drink my Sunday coffee or the yoga studio in which I teach my Tuesday night class. Most...