
Showing posts from January, 2020

Exploration 2: Avatar Selfie

Exploration 2: Avatar Selfie  An avatar is a representation of self through media. Choosing an avatar gives us choice as how we are viewed, what we display for others, and the qualities we choose to focus on in this representation. Avatars give the user a choice in how their image is represented in the media. With the avatar I have selected, I simultaneously represent how I am choosing to be viewed and also how others view me. For my avatar, I selected a drawing created by a kindergarten student. This drawing not only represents how the kindergarten student views me, but it also represents the joy I felt when seeing the doodle for the first time.  As educators, we build an identity for who we are and what we represent. At times, it often feels as though I am a character and it is my job to stay "on brand" for the character that has been created. This internal feeling I have experienced has been captured through the eyes of one of the youngest students ...


Exploration 1: Socio-techno Interfaces It’s the year 2053 and I am in year 38 of my teaching career.  As I walk into my empty classroom, I am greeted with the prospect of my students soon to arrive.  I set up my virtual desk last night, in preparation for this morning’s lesson, and all the supplies are ready to be sent out to students when they access the password.  I made today’s “starynight”, as we will be painting constellations to go along with students’ astronomy unit.  They have researched a particular constellation on their ILD (individual learning device).  While I do miss the old days of setting out tactile supplies and using them to create ourselves, this makes my set up so much quicker and less messy.  The only thing that is more challenging is making sure the 3D printer is loaded with the proper materials.  It’s costly, but surely cheaper than supplies for all of my 450 students.  Students enter my room one by one, some carrying t...