
Showing posts from October, 2020

Exploration 2: Cultural Artifact - Apple Watch

  The cultural artifact I selected for this exploration is the Apple Watch.  The Apple Watch is a watch made by Apple Inc.  This watch, worn on people’s wrists as watches are, has the capabilities of a phone and a computer.  With Siri, people can literally ask their watch about the weather.  It allows users to be reached at any time or place, and inversely, to reach out at any time or place.  Society’s common demand for immediate attention and gratification is exemplified by the Apple Watch. Whether it is through a vibration or a sound, users are notified when others are attempting to contact them.  They are notified when a set alarm sounds. When a “Severe Weather Statement” is in effect. When an Amber Alert is issued. When the device needs to be updated.  When an event is scheduled.  When an email is received.  When social media is used. When a reminder is issued.  Not only is the Apple Watch its own entity, but it is also a condu...